Kamis, 26 April 2012

The End Of My HeArt

I try to change my life but I don’t know what I should to do You cut my mind with your evil knife My dream has came to kill me and I know I can’t do anything You give me something to broke me I said I hate you and I want to kill you With my pain and my tears Couse you broke my heart and you have forgot me It’s the worst that I had And I would never fall again until the end of time so I will call this the end of my heart You cut my mind with your evil knife You give me something to broke me I said I hate you and I want to kill you With my pain and my tears Couse you broke my heart and you have forgot me It’s the worst that I had And I would never fall again until the end of time so I will call this the end of my heart I’d call this the end of my heart

Senin, 23 April 2012


Tak pernah ku bayangkan kau telah pergi
Tuk tinggalkan semua cerita,
Kau datang datang dan menghilang untuk hiasi hidupku
Kini hanya bayngmu yang selalu datang menghantuiku

Dan ku kan pergi,
Aku akan pergi untuk mencari harapan yang tersisa
Ku disini selalu sendiri,
Ku berdiri dan jalani hari tanpa dirimu temani hidupku
Ku berlari dan tak akan berhenti tuk mencari semua mimpi tanpa dirimu ada di sisiku

Kau goreskan luka dalam hatiku
Kau sisakan duka dalam hidupku
Kan ku biarkan smua kenangan
Berlalu dengan indahnya
Meskipun harus lupakan semua tentangmu
Dan kau telah pergi meninggalkan semua cerita

Kan ku coba lupakan semua kenangan
Semua kisah indah bersamamu
Kan ku buka lembaran baru
Untuk menghiasi mimpi dakam hidupku

Ku disini ,aku sendiri
Ku disini, Tanpa dirimu
Ku disini, Ku berlari
Ku disini, Tanpa dirimu

Tentang kita

Tentang kita(Perjalanan dua Insan)

Di saat aku menunggumu
Dengan selalu kau berikan
 Ku tak harapkan semua ini terjadi
Sejujurnya ku ingin kamu seutuhnya
Namun kau buang semua harapan
 Seharusnya kau pergi
Melespakan diriku
 Jangan kau kembali
Lupakan semua kenangan kita

Sudahlah lupakan saja tentang kita

                                    ADHI OLYVER SYKES

Cara Mengecilkan Pori-pori

Bahan alami berikut membantu dalam mengecilkan pori-pori di wajah kita. Apa saya itu?
o Tomat
Tomat dibuat masker. Caranya: Belah tomat menjadi dua, selanjutnya blender dan kita oleskan pada wajah yang berpori-pori besar. Kita biarkan selama 10 menit, kemudian kita bilas dengan air bersih.
o Baking Soda
Campur dua sendok makan baking soda dengan sedikit air hingga menjadi pasta. Selanjutnya kita oleskan pada kulit dan biarkan hingga kering. Kemudian kita bilas dengan air hingga bersih.
o Cuka Apel
Campur 3 sendok makan cuka apel dengan air sebanyak 1 sendok makan. Aduk hingga merata dan oleskan pada wajah dengan menggunakan kapas.
o Kulit Jeruk Nipis
Cuci kulit jeruk nipis, gosok pada pori-pori yang kelihatan besar. Biarkan selama 10 menit, selanjutnya cuci dengan menggunakan air bersih.
Sebagai catatan, sebelum melakukan pengolesan dengan bahan-bahan yang kita buat di atas, pastikan wajah kita sudah dalam keadaan bersih. Akan lebih baik bila kulit wajah sebelumnya kita cuci dengan air hangat atau setelah dimasker dan dibilas dengan air dingin. Kita ketahui, air dingin akan membantu menutup dan mengecilkan pori-pori di wajah. Bila menggunakan sabun wajah, kita mesti menggunakan sabun yang lembut dan tanpa penggunaan parfum.
Melihat bahan-bahan yang disebutkan di atas, baik itu tomat, baking soda, kulit jeruk nipis maupun cuka apel, tentu bukan sesuatu yang sulit tentunya.
Ya, dengan pori-pori yang semakin kecil, tentunya akan meminimalkan tumbuhnya jerawat. Siapa pun tentunya tahu kalau jerawat akan mengurangi rasa percaya diri bukan!

Minggu, 22 April 2012

Kata-Kata Mutira CINTA

1.        Love is for the paradise and the paradise is for love
n Cinta adalah untuk surge dan surge adalah untuk cinta
2.        Love is like as a rudder of living ark
n Cinta adalah sebagai kemudi dalam bahtera kehidupan
3.        Love is more kinds, but what is very safe and enternal is love which come from the door of sweetheart
n Cinta itu bermacam-macam, tetapi yang paling aman dan kekal adalah cinta yang melalui pintu kekasih
4.        Love is the key of very good nature humans live
n Cinta adalah kunci dari tiap-tiap keadaan yang baik dalam kehidupan manusia
5.        Love comes never know, but he goes after gives his footprints
n Cinta datangnya tidak diketahui, tetapi perginya meninggalkan bekas
6.        Love is full with the offering, the forgiveness, the expectation and servitude for each other
n Cinta kasih adalah penuh pengorbanan, penuh pengampunan, penuh penghargaan dan penuh pengabdian pada sesamanya
7.        The first love is the enternal love and only ones return up from the people heart
n Cinta yang pertama adalah cinta yang murni dan hanya sekali saja timbul dari hati manusia
8.        Love is no something, only but some the lives idea because live the idea isnt useful, and the idea without love would die
n Cinta itu bukan benda, tetapi semacam cita-cita hidup, sebab hidup tanpa cita-cita tak mempunyai arti, sedangkan cita-cita tanpa diiringi cinta akan mati
9.        We are all  born to love, it is the principle of esxintense and its only end
n Kita semua dilahirkan untuk cinta, itulah permulaan dan akhir kehidupan
10.     Love is the shortest way from heart to heart
n Cinta adalah jalan terpendek dari hati ke hati
11.     Love will more lovely when be adorned by the tears
n Cinta akan lebih indah bila dihiasi dengan air mata
12.     Love is over all the womans life, is the prison  and the paradise
n Cinta meliputi sepenuhnya kehidupan wanita, ia adalah penjara dan sorganya
13.     Love cant tested by kisses, but the fine feeling is the tetor
n Cinta tidak dapat diuji dengan ciuman, tapi perassan halus tulus untuk mengujinya
14.     The true love suddenly broken, but only but like the old man who has lost the stick
n Cinta yang sejati tiba-tiba putus, tak ubahnya seperti orang tua yang kehilangan tongkat


You where my all the one I adored, The one who I trusted the most in the world. I gave you the pureist of me You asked me to trust you. See my love was real i guess yours was fake because i would have never lied to you or pushed you away. You have no idea how much I have cried asking the Lord why my heart, why did you brake me in half this pain that consumes me and won't let me think . My heart had never felt such pain yet the one who asked me to trust caused this enourmous hurt and disappointment and yes shame. Don't worry about saying sorry or you wish me the best what goes around comes around and that is what i have to say about that. Adios Mi Amor My Bay this Love is the One you let slip away. Don't think that I will cry forever I love myself too much But yes know this you hurt me soooo Dam much. One day the only one you gave away will be the one your wishing for. Why my heart????....

You knock on the door & seems so sincere. Slowly convinving me to open the
door. Eventually I allowed you into take a sit. You did not stay long,
disappearing as sudden as u've appear.
Anger emerge from this sudden emptiness. You got me adapted to your
companionship only to pick up & leave.
I opened the door, allowing myself to be vulnerable, believing that you'll
protect me & shelter me from reality, but instead, the one that I entrusted
my heart & soul was the one that hurt me most.

Wounded....broken heart poems by Joey.

I used to think everything would be okay, if we gave it time all the problems would just go away we tried to sit and talk it out I realized I love you with out a doubt you say you love me and I know you do its so hard to prove my love to you I try to deal with your personal stuff but dealing with you is pretty tough I cant do this anymore waiting for you to call has became a chore you say you'll call and you never do I sit at home waiting for you you say I;ll be there soon Im on my way I don't hear from you again till the next day everything you do comes before me your loosing me again I hope you see I miss you more than I could ever say you;ll realize what went wrong one day when all the drugs are gone and your sitting in your room all alone when the phone doesn't ring and Im nowhere to be seen please help me make this work swallow your pride and stop being a jerk!!

broken heart poems by Kerry.

My Ode To Crush

I love someone,
It's so true,
Is it the same for you?
I think of him all day long,
Even though I know it's wrong,
For he is with another,
How jealus I am of that other,
She's my best friend,
and I don't want our friendship to end
I don't want it to end over a boy,
Even though she can annoy,
I try to think he's not worth it,
but if I can't have him I'll have a fit,
Sometimes I want to cry,
Cause he can tell a good lie,
Making me want to blush and die,
But he can also lift me off my feet,
Just to knock me down with a simple sound,
A sound of a word,
Such a heartbreaking word,
Yes I wil date you,
Yes I will love you,
Yes I will be yours,
But at the same time it's a no,
No he won't date me,
no he won't love me,
No he won't be mine,
But the worst part is he has said those yes words to me,
but they have never be.

One's trust is developed, throughout time.
When trust i smisplaced or lost
your whole life shatters.
You create a barrier, for your upcoming frienships
Youy create distance
Not by foosteps, but by meter.
Each centimeter apart, shows a step away
YOur emotions have been played around with
Treated and played for a fool.
YOur left speechless and alone.
Quiet as to what is going on around you.
You've embraced misery, shame, guilt.
Back stabbing from the front end
can serioulsy wound your soul....broken heart poems by Trista Luxton.

How Love Hurts

You told me that you loved me, you told me that you always will. Then one
night as I sit home waiting for you to call I heard that you didn't want me
and that you went out with your old girlfriend. As I heard this the tears
just wouldn't stop falling. Then you called me and I asked you about and you
started to yell at me. As you yelled I could feel my heart break into.

To me it was so perfect, to me it was going fine, i never thought i'd lose you i thought you'd always be mine.How come i never noticed, how come i couldn't see, that you were changing your mind, the way you felt about me.We could of worked it out, wecould of talked it through, but you left it so long, there was only one thing you could do. You tried to tell me nicely, you asked me if i'd cry, but my heart just tore apart, as i let out a sigh. We hugged for the last time, and i didn't wanna let go, but i finally pulled away as i told myself no! i held i n my tears i began to walk away, when people asked what happened, i had nothing else to say, except "ï wanna be alone, and i don't wanna talk," so i went around the corner, and went for a little walk. i decided to sit down, as i felt my eyes go red, i gazed at the floor, in my hands i held my head. The tears poured down my face, as i asked myself why,why did it happen, why did he lie. I didn't wanna believe it, yet i knew it was so true, that we were definatly over, that you and i wre through, I still can't believe, you expected me to guess, when i had no idea, i was totally clueless!....Poem by Renee Fletcher.

Tell him that I hate him
Tell him that I love someone new
Tell him that I don't need him anymore
Tell him that he is nothing for me
But please....
Don't tell him that I cried when I said all that.